Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered just how good a spit roast pig would taste? What it’s like to see, smell and taste the mouth watering classic spit roasts that only Spitting Pig can provide? We catered for a customer, Glen, this month who had wanted a hog roast on his birthday and by some stroke of luck his wife found us, Cornwall’s devoted event hog roaster.
Emily, Glens wife, found us some months back when searching for event caterers in Cornwall. She wasn’t necessarily looking for anything in particular, but when Emily came across our website she remembered that her husband commented on wanting to have a hog roast in conversation not too long ago, and so the customer got in touch with our office via email and pretty soon we were talking over hog roast and spit roast options with Emily.
The customer knew what she wanted and what birthday boy Glen would want for his party and so it didn’t take long until we booked the event and had a menu ready to cook. The menu chosen was the spit roast snack sandwich. It was some spectacle for Glen and Emily – and not to mention all their friends and family – to enjoy the party event with a backdrop of a whole-hog being cooked with a Spitting Pig hog roast machine, designed for improved aesthetics and an even better impression.
The event took place mainly in 1 large room which is where we were hog roasting. Hog roasting in large rooms with good ventilation is always good; it means that everybody gets a great view of the hog roast, we much prefer that to being crammed into a kitchen out of view of all the party action.
The pig that we cooked was plenty big at 40 kg, it had to be because the guest list was a fair size. The pig was certainly fresh, too, as it arrived at our HQ only the day before the event directly from our local farm source. It was seasoned lightly with our Spitting Pig secret salt rub, this results in the crispiest crackling for every event, and then served on a roll of bread with a fair amount of stuffing and a helping of apple sauce, both chefs own and created on the day of the event.
Sourcing the best ingredients for Glens birthday party really came off, as it does for all events. The result of our spit roasting trade knowledge and free range ingredients led to a cracking birthday party dinner
The fun didn’t stop with Glens party. The Spitting Pig party never stops, we work year round and July had many more events, unfortunately we can’t possibly talk about them all. But we’d love to talk to you about your event and what we’re able to offer you in the way of marvellous, delicious hog roast catering. We’re contactable over the telephone or via email.
And before we forget, we’ve got some fabulous offers running for the Summer Olympics, not to mention a continuing amazing hog roast hire service that is available to everyone. It’s advisable to get a booking for a hog roast machine now because at the rate they’re flying off the warehouse shelves there won’t be very many left when the Olympics actually starts – and plus, some summer weather is finally forecast in the coming weeks so it’s a chance to get an awesome bbq experience while you can.