A Stream Of Hog Roast Cubert Events

In for last month there was a stream of hog roast Cubert jobs that were almost constant, the days where we haven’t had a hog roast Cubert job could be counted on one hand.The month got underway in trademark Spitting Pig fashion as I went out with a team to Cubert for a wedding catering job. The wedding guests had a big treat lined up because we made a scrumptious spit roasted pig for them, serving it on fresh floured bread rolls with apple sauce, stuffing and who could possibly forget a helping of Cubert crunchiest crackling. We were at the venue quite a while before the serving time, so had the chance to see guests as they arrived and you should have seen the reaction when they saw us and the hog roast we were making, they couldn’t wipe the smile off their faces, it was a reaction of sheer elation when they saw what we’d cooked up and you can bet that the reaction was the same when they got to experience the taste of the hog roast Cubert.


The first Friday the day after that was like a trip down memory because I was back at the same venue I catered on my first hog roast job for Spitting Pig and in almost the same circumstances. The job was for a party in an out of the way pub in Cubert and being that it was for a party in a small community there was many of familiar faces from all those years ago. The menu for the job was the snack in a roll menu and choosing wisely the client had picked the spit roast sirloin of roast beef. The venue was a lot different to what I remembered it but the faces were the same, the atmosphere was the same and if there was one thing more than anything that was the same it was the party reaction to the Spitting Pig roast I cooked up. You couldn’t have been blamed for thinking the guests had been kept starved the days previous to the party with how all 80 of them ate their spit pig in a roll with such eagerness. Some things change, but the response to a well cooked hog roast always seems the same – overwhelmingly positive!


From there on there were many more events catered, from more weddings to the farmers market, and of course who could forget that little known annual event called Halloween! For Halloween I had the evening off myself, but I’ve been assured by the team who did work that I missed out on a whole heap of fun as they did some dressing up of their own and went to cater a festive party in Cubert.