Hog Roast Polzeath– The Best Barbecues Demand the Best Meats!

Hog Roast CornwallWith it being summer we know that many of you, like us, will be looking forward to a barbecue or two (or in the case of Hog Roast Polzeath, probably a couple hundred!) as we all use the sun as an excuse to enjoy one of the best British dining traditions around.

Barbecuing is great for when the sun is out and the temperature is up; there are few finer pleasures than gathering a couple friends and soaking in the season with a roll and sausage hot off the barbecue grill along with a couple of drinks. Of course, with it being such a popular British summer tradition, anytime that BBQ perfect weather does come around you’ll often find that it becomes a mad dash at the supermarket to grab the best burgers and sausages off the shelves before everyone else does. If you’re not quick, you can quickly get left behind!

But rushing around is very much not in keeping with the summer vibe that we want to have at a barbecue. It is supposed to be a leisurely time, so stressing about how you are going to get your meats has no place anywhere near the barbecue!

That is why at Hog Roast Polzeath we always put importance on sourcing high quality meats from local farms and stocks ourselves. We are not in for the mad dash to the supermarket, plus we know that there is much better-quality meat to be found elsewhere. For us, that is our well trusted local stocks, but for you it could be your local butcher or even our Hog Roast Polzeath chefs. A barbecue, brilliant as it is, is only ever going to be as good as the meat you are getting down on that grill, so to have the best time this summer you are going to want the best meats available. Your barbecue deserves; you deserve it!

Hog Roast cornwallHog Roast Polzeath are more than happy to offer out advice on where to find the best local meats for your barbecue this summer, or you can draft in our catering team to take care of everything ourselves – including the cooking and the serving while you just soak up the sun and the foods!