Hog Roast Gweek Catering

Howdy hog roast fanatics – welcome to the monthly update with all the news from Spitting Pig. It’s been a great month and we’ve been all over – north coast, out west, and to the southernmost point in the country as you will read shortly.

We got nautical last week at a boat club annual do in a member’s beautiful garden just outside Gweek. Even better, we were set up at the back of the garden facing out over the bay so we got the best of the view over the island as the tide came up and the sun went down. It has to be one of the most stunning spots in the country – just about the best place you could hope to devour one of Gweeks hot roast pork and stuffing baps with liberal quantities of apple sauce and gravy. Aside from the ubiquitous hog roast Gweek catering, we did some great roast lamb and our full range of nibbles light starters for the assembled boaters – fortunately they all seemed to have big appetites. It’s obviously all that strenuous exercise and salty sea air getting them hungry. I could do with a bit of strenuous exercise – believe it or not I used to sail quite a bit myself, but I barely find the time nowadays with hog roasts being such a popular option across the county. Chatting to various groups of sailors and boat fans really got me inspired though, and as soon as the weather picks up again next season I’m going to get out on the water for a bit of a jaunt. I’d like to get out sooner, but I have to be honest – I’m a bit of a fair weather sailor, and the sea breeze is a bit too brisk for my liking at this time of year.

From one of the country’s most picturesque spots to the country’s southernmost – later in the same week, which was a good one for fantastical destinations, we were down in Lizard catering for an anniversary party. We put on a great spread for this one – to be fair, the guests had come just about as far as possible to come in the UK without falling off into the sea, and having travelled far and wide we didn’t want them to be disappointed with the food. We were on pretty safe ground there though, as I’ve yet to hear anyone complain about our tender juicy roast pork – it just doesn’t happen! In fact, we aim to please with every aspect of the operation from the first phone call to the last portion of roast pork and the clean up afterwards, and when you know your business and your clientele as well as we do at Spitting Pig you know how to leave smiles on the faces of all you encounter. Smiles, and a little smidge of gravy that needs wiping off your cheek by your partner. Hog roast Gweek is a great way to cater your event.