Wedding event – Spitting Pig Cornwall

Sunday marked my 4th year to the day with Spitting Pig and the time has well and truly flown by! It feels like only yesterday that I made my first hog roast for Spitting Pig. Since then I’ve made thousands of hog roasts and I’m sitll enjoying it as much as I did on my first day.
Sunday was a change of pace compared to Friday and Saturday, not least because I was working in the morning/afternoon rather than evening, but also because the Sunday event was a wedding with a massive menu, and so the pressure was on! Fortunately I had shared responsibility with Connor, our second chef, and not to mention as part of the evening there was a waitress team provided by Spitting Pig to serve food.
Anyway the wedding was a real good ones as far as weddings go. Lots of guests, lots of excitement and more than a fair share of genuine happiness for Zak and Melanie. After being happily together for 4 years they thought it was time to tie the knot and the best way to do that they said was to have a hog roast from Spitting Pig as part and parcel of the big day! I was more than happy to oblige them and in a bid to make the happiest day of their lifes even better than they imagined I cooked the finest spit roast pig and succulent spit roast chickens – and i even helped cook the starter options of salmon and soup while Connor was getting ready the salads, sides and desserts.
The spit roast pig and chicken I made was served in bread rolls as a delicious sandwich, the spit roast was accompanied with a salad and potato option.
For pig roast and spit roast snack rolls, the bread we used was fresh. It tastes amazing and it would be great to say that I made it myself but i’d be lying because the Spitting Pig bakers get credit for baking the fresh, wholesome bread rolls. I did and do get to make the sauce and stuffing though. I can’t give too much away but the stuffing is the perfect compliment to the roast pig I make, and the apple sauce is made from organic produce fresh by myself which is so much better than the artificial nonsense that sells as apple sauce in high street shops. Put together with the succulently tender meat from our hog roast that’s deep in rich, rustic flavours and it’s no great surprise that the meal was a winner! We even got a personal thanks from the wedded couple for a job well done before they jetted off to enjoy the sun in the Bahamas.
And with that said i’ve got to jet myself because my partner in crime Connor is outside waiting for me in the van, waiting to drive us to Helston for a business breakfast hog roast. Hope to see some of you soon, bye.