Hog Roast in St Agnes Oh So Hot!

Well this weekend we have been working in St Agnes and what a scorcher. Our hog roast in St Agnes was a real winner and the party really was a swinging event. The event was a 6oth birthday bash but this did not stop them enjoying themselves. They where bopping around like a load of giddy teenagers. The food went down a real storm with everyone getting plates piled high from the buffet. There was plenty to go round this is the benefit of having a hog roast you can really fill your boots. Spittingmn Pig Cornwall ChefWith no worry about running out of food as a pig will go a long way. We really enjoyed the event ourselves and ended up getting up and having a dance our selves all in the best possible taste. So we will call the hog roast in St Agnes a big success and look forward to next week. Well that’s after all the cleaning tomorrow morning.