Hog Roast Downderry – 100 Guests At The Inn On The Shore!

When Hog Roast Downderry caters your party or event, you can be sure of a gorgeous feast wherever you’re located and no matter the number of guests that are invited. We can easily feed hundreds of guests or even just a handful if required, as we handle both all the time, at either intimate parties or huge events. Plus we can cook you some great tasting nosh wherever you are in Cornwall or nearby, whether your venue is easily found or in the middle of nowhere, as our hog roast machines are easily portable and are gas powered.

When Hog Roast Downderryl was asked to cater JamieLee’s party for 100 guests at the Inn on the Shore, we knew to expect lovely views – we just didn’t know how lovely until we got there. The venue is on the beach cliffs of Downderry, which is close to Looe, and it’s a traditional Cornish village inn that offers a truly lovely coastline view of the Marine Conservation Society-recommended beach and the inviting waters.

JamieLee asked us to cook a traditional hog roast to be enjoyed together with various fresh bread rolls and wraps and to freshly make some lovely salads on the day too. We would be serving the hordes on the decked area at 6.30pm, so our team at Hog Roast Downderry got to work in the early afternoon, preparing the skin of the hog with water and salt and scoring the meat all over before turning on the hog roast machine for it to cook for several hours. We just need to watch over it as it cooks but otherwise, our machine does all the work.

Cornwall - Inn On The Shore Event

At serving time, the guests queued up for a slice of heaven in a bun along with some garden-fresh leaves and tomatoes, and sat down to enjoy the views as they ate. There were plenty of smiles on faces on this particular day. Once JamieLee and the guests had had more than enough of our delicious food to eat, we cleared away and left them to take in the views and to wait for a wonderful sunset in a fantastic location.