Quarter-Finals Are As Close As It Gets

England were looking strong for the Euro 2012 quarter-final against Italy, however when the whistle was blown, it appeared as if the game was a lot tougher than initially thought, and with hit and miss player Mario Balotelli playing, the question of whether or not he would rise to the occasion for the Italian side left the feeling of doubt in the minds of every England fan.

Throughout the 120 minutes of tension, both sides were breaking through gaps within the oppositions defence, yet unable to secure a goal, and to the look of eager England fans, the relief that this was not Mario Balotelli’s night for scoring. With both sides putting up fighting chances and the clock clicking away, fans and players could see that this game was going to be settled on a penalty shootout.

As the final whistle rang, faces within the local pub in which we were catering dropped, knowing that this was the final hurdle to overcome. As the nail-biting shootout began, we began preparing the food, with each tense approach to the ball from the players, the pub entered a motionless silence, waiting for the outcome, the anticipation building every second. Seconds later, it was over, the defeat had been finalised, England had lost 4 goals to 2.

Within seconds of the final goal, we began carving the hog, as we could see we needed to work fast, in order to ensure that no fan would go hungry and the heart-breaking feeling of being kicked out of the tournament. With groups of fans giving their own personal analysis of the game, a large queue had begun forming from the second that first cut of the hog dropped onto a plate, with other fans within the pub joining the group, liking their lips with every step closer to the hog they got, we could see that the hog was working its magic, as the crowd went silent after they had been given the share of the hog, with the occasional sods being heard which told you how succulent and tender the meat was tasting.

In order to get this great tasting hog, we only use the freshest of meats, all of which are locally sourced, so why not check out our special offers for your next themed event, and make it standout above the rest. Just give us call, or email us for a quote.